Micro Pore Optic brochure

Micro Pore Optic brochure

A compact and lightweight alternative to conventional X-Ray optics, the Micro Pore Optic allows a broad range of imaging options for UV, EUV and X-Rays. Photonis designed the Micro Pore Optic detector to be used in X-Ray imaging applications. Its perfectly square, fl at channels are optimized to allow X-Ray and UV photons to be focused or collimated due to the total external reflection at a grazing angle of less incidence. Micro Pore Optics are installed on a number of international space missions. The unique squarepore plate is efficient and can be confi gured in radially packed or square packed channels. They are provided with Iridium coatings to enhance reflection and films to provide a heat shield. Micro Pore Optic detectors provide a more robust alternative to the standard X-Ray and UV imaging products available today.

Brochure/Leaflet 1.6 MB pdf