4G+ Image Intensifier TubeThe 4G standard is the latest technology in intensified night vision. 4G+ technology is the next stage in innovating the 4G standard and is mainly suited to the very high demands of special forces.
4G Image Intensifier TubeThe 4G standard is the latest technology in intensified night vision. The 4G technology is particularly suited to the very high demands of special forces. Only 4G can offer ultra-fast Auto-Gating, a very small halo and unrivalled spectral range from ultraviolet to near infrared. Gain the unfair advantage in the darkest nights, in all terrain and operations. Get the best DRI* range and be the...
Thermal neutron detectors / Operating in pulse mode
Watertight HN connectors ensure a high safety of use.
Importance of Methane Detection and the use of Infrared to detect Methane LeakMethane is a critical resource in global energy production and its demand is expected to increase as global energy consumption grows. Due to the increasing use of photovoltaic and wind turbine power plants, there also is an increased need for methane-based power plants to cope with intermittence of these energy sources.
SWIR Microscopy: At the Forefront of Next Generation TechnologiesThe ushering in of the new digital era (Fourth Industrial Revolution) and a hyper-connected society has accelerated in recent times through necessity as our society rapidly embraces digitalization for remote working, education, telehealth, video-conferencing and many other aspects of our daily lives.
An efficient tool for allergy detectionSkin testing is a well-known technique for allergy diagnosis: it is both sensitive and specific. Tests consist of introducing a liquid containing a small amount of potential allergen on the skin and observing the skin’s reaction. If the person is sensitive to the allergen, then a raised inflammatory reaction will occur on the skin called a wheal.
Automated Assessment of Food Quality and SafetyIncreased need for automated food quality inspection creates opportunity for a growing company
Gobi+, A Real Thermographic Sensor SystemProcesses that require heating need safety controls because of the risk of fire
Elevated Body Temperature ScreeningHow infrared cameras can help in fighting against viral pandemic
Improving Vision with Short-wave Infrared Line-scan CamerasLooking With New Eyes
Carbon nanotubes applications and luminescence-based imagingPhotonics and (opto)electronics
SWIR Multiplexing Temporal multiplexing for cost-effective multispectral solutionsSWIR Multiplexing Temporal multiplexing for cost-effective multispectral solutions
Xenics and Ophir-Spiricon partner for laser beam profiling applicationsAn application at Ophir-Spiricon [RIE] called for the beam analysis of a 1550 nm SWIR
Thermal lock-in inspection of semiconductor devices with Xenics XCO camera moduleThermal imaging can be a very powerful tool for semiconductor failure analysis.
Passive laser beam analyser for CO2 lasersHigh power CO2 lasers produce a beam of infrared light