High-Dynamic-Range Thermal Infrared ImagingThermal infrared imaging of highly temperature contrasted scenes places significant demands on the dynamic range of the imaging system. Join Telops Field Application Engineer Benjamin Saute for a webinar discussion on the challenges associated with measuring high temperature and high contrast scenes as well as an overview of Telops solutions oriented towards high dynamic range imaging.
Multispectral Camera Filter Wheel Turning29/03/2024
The New Hyper-Cam Airborne MiniDiscover the brand-new Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini from Telops. At just over 50 pounds and with a volume of roughly one cubic foot, the Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini offers the best spectral resolution on the market, just like the regular Hyper-Cam – but in a compact and lightweight format engineered for aerial surveys.
Selectable spectral resolution down to 0.5 cm-1 and changeable fore-optics m...
Telops Super HD and Shortwave Infrared CamerasThe Super HD series brings infrared imaging to a whole new level with more than 3 megapixels capability combined with high acquisition rates. It provides unprecedented image quality and spatial resolution that allow to reveal the crisp details of distant objects. With Telops’ real-time permanent temperature/radiance calibration, these cameras become a tool of choice for the measurement of ta...
Optimizing Thermal Infrared measurements with Enhanced High Dynamic Range Imaging (EHDRI)Telops Enhanced High Dynamic Range Imaging (EHDRI) tool enables users to select up to 4 unique exposure times and occurrence rates allowing for optimized imaging of scene constituents exhibiting both high and low signal-levels. Discover this unique Telops’ feature in this video.
High Spatial Resolution Scientific Thermal Imaging Systems from TelopsSpatial resolution is a critical performance characteristic of scientific thermal imaging systems. In this video, Telops Field Application Scientists introduce the basic concepts surrounding spatial resolution and discuss how a thermal imaging system can be specified for measurements with high spatial resolution requirements.
Scientific Thermal High-Speed Imaging Systems from TelopsHigh-Speed framerates is one of the main feature of Telops scientific thermal imaging cameras. In this video, Telops Field Application Scientists introduce the basic surrounding the high-speed capabilities and discuss how a thermal imaging system can suits different applications.
Automatic Exposure Control Operating Mode29/03/2024
How to Set Up Your Telops Fast-IR Infrared Camera?In this video, you will learn about:
- The included equipment
- The camera’s specifications & calibration
- The best way to set up & start the camera
- The Reveal IR Software
Basics of Reveal-IR – Setting Up Your AcquisitionsThe best way to set up your acquisitions
- How to use the specific features from our powerful software.
Basics of Reveal-IR Software – Using the Playback ModeHow to get the most from your sequences by using the Playback Mode
- Manage the colors scales
- How to use the powerful toolbox included in the software
Radia Family, Accessible Scientific Infrared ImagingThe Radia Family is the latest scientific infrared imaging innovation from Telops. Featuring cooled and uncooled detector technology and small form-factor packaging, the Radia Family are optimized for delivering powerful thermal imaging capabilities at an accessible price point.
First Look at Telops HDR M700Join Telops Scientific Product Line Manager for a first look at the next-generation of high dynamic range thermal imaging systems, the HDR M700. Featuring a revolutionary on-chip saturation management solution and 24-bit detector architecture, the HDR M700 is capable of measuring a temperature range of up to 900 degrees in a single exposure time. The HDR M700 can efficiently measure scenes d...
The New FAST Camera: M2k Ultra Definition (UD)For over 20 years, Telops has been at the forefront of high-speed scientific thermal imaging systems. We are pleased to announce the latest additions to that high-speed tradition, the FAST M2k UD and MS M2k UD. Join Telops Scientific Product Line Manager Ben Saute for an introduction to the features and capabilities of the fastest 640 x 512 pixel infrared cameras on the market.
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