Things to Consider When Purchasing an Infrared Imaging System-Part IIn Part 1 of this webinar series, Telops Field Application Engineer Joseph Carrock is discussing basic camera parameters including spatial resolution, radiometric accuracy, and data acquisition speed (framerate and exposure time). Discussion is focused on the tradeoffs associated with basic parameter optimization and representative, capability-driven systems from Telops thermal infrared imag...
Contribution of High-Speed IR Thermography for damage monitoring in carbon fiber reinforced polymer during dynamic mechanical testsIn order to better understand the dynamic behavior of CFRP and to improve numerical modeling tools for these materials, it is essential to better understand the effects of strain rate on damage initiation and growth. Unlike low loading rate mechanical tests, the experimental setup for intermediate strain rate tests is classically based on servo-hydraulic actuators. The higher the loading rate...
Quantification of Gas-Phase Flare Emissions using Hyperspectral ImagingThe oil and gas industry uses flaring to dispose of methane and other hydrocarbons in a safe and ecologically sustainable manner compared to venting directly to the atmosphere. Under ideal conditions, this process is 98% efficient; however, under some conditions, this figure is significantly lower. Given that nearly 1 billion tonnes of methane is flared each year, and that each tonne of meth...
Rediscovering the First Principles of Light Water Reactors Thermal-Hydraulics with IR ThermographyThis webinar is focusing on flow boiling heat transfer with the participation of Dr. Guanyu Su, Postdoctoral Associate, Nuclear Reactor Lab & Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, MIT. Join our experts for high quality discussions in infrared thermography and explore the recent advances in Infrared imaging and heat transfer applications.
Determining the velocities & temperatures of in-flight metallic feedstock particles during cold gas sprayingExperimentally determining the velocities and temperatures of in-flight metallic feedstock particles during cold gas spraying is challenging. Recently, scientists at the Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH used a state-of-the-art high-speed IR camera to investigate the behavior of two different feedstock materials, In718 and TiAlCrNb, both of which are used as structural materials in gas turbine e...
The Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini: Introduction and Capabilities OverviewThe Telops Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini is a state-of-the-art thermal infrared hyperspectral imaging system designed for use on a wide-variety of manned and unmanned aerial platforms. Join Telops Field Application Engineer Benjamin Saute for a look at this latest entry to the Telops hyperspectral product line. This webinar serves as an introduction to the Hyper-Cam Airborne Mini, providing attend...
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Methane DetectionMethane emissions from industrial activities are a significant contributor to environmental pollution and anthropogenic climate change. Methane is among the most infrared-active naturally occurring molecules and represents a 25X increase in atmospheric warming potency when compared to CO2. Additionally, methane emissions represent a significant fire and explosion hazard within oil and gas an...
Hyperspectral Field Systems for Geological Exploration29/03/2024
Quantification of VOC Emissions Using Remote Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging29/03/2024
Synchronous Full-Field Strain & Temperature Measurement29/03/2024
In Situ Observation of Adiabatic Shear Band Formation in Aluminum Alloys using Thermal Imaging29/03/2024
Multispectral Infrared Imaging for Gas Quantification and Fire Research29/03/2024
High-Dynamic-Range Thermal Infrared Imaging