Intensified Tpx3Cam, a Fast Data-Driven Optical Camera with Nanosecond Timing Resolution for Single Photon Detection in Quantum ApplicationsWe describe a fast data-driven optical camera, Tpx3Cam, with nanosecond scale timing resolution and 80 Mpixel/sec throughput. After the addition of intensifier, the camera is single photon sensitive with quantum efficiency determined primarily by the intensifier photocathode. The single photon performance of the camera was characterized with results on the gain, timing resolution and afterpu...
TOF Detector PerformanceVersatile, Long-Lifetime, Wide Dynamic Range Detector for TOF Applications.
TOF detector specifications are a major factor in tool performance.
Key criteria are:
- Timing: faster detector and electronics Improved Mass Resolution
- Output range: high saturation values, better linearity Wider dynamic range, single gain working point.
- Gain: u... Poster 480.82 Ko
A Better Way to Profile your Ion Beam in Instrument Design for More Accurate AnalysisThis paper outlines how the Ion Beam Profiler can be used to aid analytical instrument designers identify ion beam path obstructions, poor alignment and poor focus. The unit provides real time imaging for model verification or for live video capture of high speed events.
ALD MCP PosterUsing Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) to Enhance Microchannel Plates (MCPs) for Mass Spectrometry Matthew Breuer; Paula Holmes, Ph.D.; John Harper Photonis Scientifi c, Inc., Sturbridge, MA
Characterization of a New High Resolution Ion Beam Imager to Improve Ion Beam Analysis in Mass SpectrometersThis paper discusses how a digital low light CMOS camera can be paired with a Microchannel Plate equipped with a phosphor screen to provide real-time imagry of an ion beam to ensure proper focus and alignment for the most accurate analysis.
Capillary Inlet Tubes for Enhanced Ion TransportDevelopment of Resistive Glass Multi-Capillary Inlet Tubes for Enhanced Ion Transport
Resistive Glass has proven to be successful at increasing the ion transmission in atmospheric pressure ionization sources. This paper discusses the manufacture of a multi-channel inlet tube and its effects on ion throughput.
Isolating the Effects of Microchannel Plate Parameters on the Ultimate Resolution in Time-of-Flight DetectorsThis paper examines the effects of pore sizes and bias angles of the Microchannel Plates used in Time of Flight Detectors. Experiments were done to determine how the parameters of the MCP could be manipulated to minimize time jitter to ultimately improve the detection resolution of a Time of Flight detector. Efforts to control flatness of the MCP are also discussed.
Optimizing the Microchannel Plate Detector Assembly to Improve Time of Flight Mass ResolutionThis paper discusses new methodologies to improve the flatness of the MCPs used in Time of Flight Detectors. Minimizing the variation in MCP flatness is shown to decrease the time jitter with experimental data in a prototype detector.
Resistive Glass Drift Tubes with Air Stable Surface and Multiple Voltage StatgesResistive Glass provides key benefits for ion mobility drift tubes, such as highly uniform electric fields with minimal radial inhomogeneities, simple one-piece construction and containment for counter-flow gas. The combination of uniform electric field and the turbulence-free counter-flow gas produces resolving powers of over 100. However, for some applications, the resistivity drift of Res...
ANS UWC Technical Poster31/03/2019
Streak Tube Reference ListPHOTONIS Streak Tube Reference List
Electron Generator Arrays SpecificationPhotonis patented ELECTROGEN™ Electron Generator Arrays (EGAs) consist of millions of precision glass tubes fused together to produce a uniform and mechanically rigid structure. They are processed such that, when a voltage is applied across the thickness, each pore produces a beam of electrons. With each of the millions of pores producing electron, the resultant electron flux is extremely un...
Glass Capillary Arrays SpecificationPhotonis manufactures our Glass Capillary Arrays to consist of millions of precision glass tubes fused together to produce a uniform and mechanically rigid device in square, rectangular and round shapes. With their strong, self‐ supporting structure, Glass Capillary Arrays have excellent thermal and chemical stability and sieve‐like filtration abilities to be used in a wide variety of applic...
High Voltage Power Supply PF1053Bench-top High Voltage Power Supply for Laboratory Applications
High Voltage Power Supply PF1054Bench-top High Voltage Power Supply with two separate outputs for laboratory applications