Continuum Removal for Ground Based LWIR Hyperspectral Infrared Imagery Applying Non-Negative Matrix FactorizationContinuum removal is vital in hyperspectral image analysis. It enables data to be used for any application and usually requires approximations or assumptions to be made. One of these approximations is related to the calculation of the spectra of the background’s blackbody temperature. Here, we present a new method to calculate the continuum removal process. The proposed method eliminates the...
Comparison Assessment of Low Rank Sparse-PCA Based – ClusteringThe developments in hyperspectral technology in different applications are known in many fields particularly in remote sensing, airborne imagery, mineral identi- fication and core logging. The automatic mineral identification system provides considerable assistance in geology to identify mineral automatically. Here, the proposed approach addresses an automated system for mineral (i.e. pyrope...
Object Tracking by Hierarchical Decomposition of Hyperspectral Video Sequences: Application to Chemical Gas Plume TrackingIt is now possible to collect hyperspectral video sequences at a near real-time frame rate. The wealth of spectral, spatial, and temporal information of those sequences is appealing for various applications, but classical video processing techniques must be adapted to handle the high dimensionality and huge size of the data to process. In this paper, we introduce a novel method based on the ...
Electronic Imaging DetectorThis paper discusses the use of a microchannel plate phosphor screen-based detector paired with a camera, which can capture images from the phosphor screen in real time. It can be used for VUV Spectroscopy, Imaging TOF or High Energy Physics Applications
LINCam : Working principleWe present a detector system with a microchannel plate based photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) and its application for fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) in visible light. A capacity coupled imaging technique (charge image) combined with a charge division anode is employed for the positional readout. Using an artificial neural network's (ANN) computation model we are able to reconstruct the p...
SPAD LINCam comparisonA recent addition to the toolboxof super-resolution microscopy methodsis fluorescence-lifetime single-molecule local-ization microscopy(FL-SMLM).Thesynergyof SMLMandfluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy(FLIM) combines superior imagere solution with lifetime information and can be realized using two complementary experimental approaches: confocal-laser scan-ning microscopy(CLSM) or &...
Experimental Evaluation of Resistive Glass Ion OpticsResistive Glass is formed into a Reflectron Lens and evaluated for resistance uniformity and directly compared to the performance of a stacked ring assembly Reflectron. Results show that Resistive Glass is well suited for making ion optics components that simplify cleaning and replacement.
HI-QE PaperBased on conventional S-20 processes, a new series of high quantum efficiency (QE) photocathodes has been developed that can be specifically tuned for use in the ultraviolet, blue or green regions of the spectrum. The QE values exceed 30% at maximum response, and the dark count rate is found to be as low as 30 Hz/cm2 at room temperature. This combination of properties along with a fast tempo...
High Dynamic Range Ion Detection Using Channel Electron MultipliersImproving the dynamic range of a channel electron multiplier to operate at high output current. The paper discusses the addition of discrete dynodes to a six-channel electron multiplier to achieve this operation and examines the effect on the lifetime of the detector.
HQE S20 Photocathodes in Photon Counting ApplicationsHigh Quantum Efficiency S20 Photocathodes in Photon Counting Applications
Improvements were done to a standard S20 photocathode that increase the quantum efficiency by up to 50%. Test results on a Chevron style MCP-PMT are presented.
Improved Lifetime and Performance for Your Mass SpectrometerThis article discusses how improvements to electron multipliers bring extended lifetime and higher gain for better mass spectrometer analysis.
Improving MALDI-TOF Performance with Practical Implementation of Very High Post-AccelerationThis paper discusses ways to improve MALDI-TOF performance in ion masses in excess of 100kDa by applying very high post-acceleration voltages.
Improving Quantification in Time of Flight (TOF) Mass Spectrometers by Optimizing Detector ResponseThis paper looks at ways to optimize the operating parameters of a Time of Flight detector. The paper examines the effects of various MCPs, voltages and gain on the detector.
Miniature Ion Detectors for Mass Spectrometers Help Move Laboratory Analysis into the FieldThis article describes advancements in the development of miniature ion detectors to facilitate the implementation of truly portable mass spectrometers, residual gas analyzers and other analytical instruments. A wide variety of detectors are available.
Performance Characteristics of Detectors Operated in Harsh EnvironmentsThis paper discusses the effect of detector degredation when exposed to high atmospheric pressure operation. A comparison of channel electron multipliers in single- and six-channel types were evaluated as was a new MountingPad rimless Microchannel Plate.