How to Interpret Images From Infrared CamerasA field campaign. A laboratory testbed. A volcano. Different applications of infrared cameras, but the very same modus operandi. Turn the camera on, point it toward the scene, and get images on the screen. It looks so simple! And the image is even calibrated in real temperature units. Great!
Real life conditions are unfortunately a bit more complex. Accurate interpretation of the infra...
Radiometry – The basicsWhat is radiometry? The etymology of radiometry links to “radiation” and “measurement”. More precisely, radiometry is the science studying the transport of energy through radiation.
The present document aims at presenting a summary of the principal laws of radiometry involved in the understanding of the world surrounding us, as seen through light-sensitive instruments! Among these are ...
Portable Instrument DetectorsPortable mass spectrometry is becoming widely used in security and forensic applications to quickly identify on-scene suspicious substances, chemical threats or contraband. These instruments provide quick and reliable analysis when fast answers are needed. Yet portable mass spectrometers pose unique challenges to instrument designers. Accurate analysis needs to be fast, the instrument needs ...
4G technology versus Gen 3Differences between Gen3 and 4G image intensification technology
Night Vision and Image Intensifiers marketPhotonis extends its decade long relation with the Japanese Defense Forces and further improves sensors and systems for night vision in close collaboration. By doing so, Photonis will help to ensure that Japanese Defense Forces will be always ahead of the threat.
Read in English our complete article to learn more about Photonis’ image intensifier tubes technology.
ARIADNE+: Large Scale Demonstration of Fast Optical Readout for Dual-Phase LArTPCs at the CERN Neutrino PlatformOptical readout of large scale dual-phase liquid Argon TPCs is an attractive alternative to charge readout and has been successfully demonstrated on a 2 × 2 m active region within the CERN protoDUNE cold box. ARIADNE+ uses four Timepix3 cameras imaging the S2 light produced by 16 novel, patent pending, glass THGEMs.
First demonstration of 3D optical readout of a TPC using a single photon sensitive Timepix3 based cameraThe ARIADNE project is developing innovative optical readout technologies for two-phase liquid Argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs). Optical readout presents an exciting alternative to the current paradigm of charge readout. Optical readout is simple, scalable and cost effective. This paper presents first demonstration of 3D optical readout of TPC, using CF4 gas as a proof of principle.
Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics in Single-Bubble SonoluminescenceA cavitation bubble inside a liquid, under a specific set of conditions, can get trapped in an antinode of the ultrasonically driven standing wave and periodically emits visible photons (1,2). This conversion of sound to light phenomenon, known as sonoluminescence, can be seen with unaided eyes and occurs in multi- or single-bubble regimes. The sonoluminescence radiation spectrum analysis at...
High speed imaging of spectral-temporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interferenceIn this work we demonstrate spectral-temporal correlation measurements of the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference effect with the use of a spectrometer based on a photon-counting camera. This setup allows us to take, within seconds, spectral temporal correlation measurements on entangled photon sources with sub-nanometer spectral resolution and nanosecond timing resolution.
A Direct Comparison of Resistive Glass and Stacked-Ring ReflectronThis paper compares the performance of a multi-piece stacked ring reflectron and one constructed from Resistive Glass. The single-piece Resistive Glass is similar in performance but requires much less maintenance and assembly.
Achieving High Resolution in a Benchtop Resistive Glass Tube Ion Mobility SpectrometerAn Ion Mobility Spectrometer using Resistive Glass technology shows improved resolving power when tested across a number of samples.
Beam Profile Monitor Incorporating Very Large Area Electron Generator ArraysThe precise determination of transverse beam profiles in accelerator and collider systems is critical to proper operation. The high energy physics community has long sought a capability to determine location and focus of charged particle beams racing through accelerator tubes. Imaging a charged particle beam traveling at speeds approaching the speed of light without changing the velocity or ...
Characterization of Common Electron Multipliers in Harsh EnvironmentsThis paper discusses the performance of channel electron multipliers designed for use in harsh environments. Increasingly the need for portable machines that operate at high pressure or poor vacuum enviroments are also requiring smaller, more durable detectors. Lifetime and performance results are presented.
Characterization of the Uniformity and Stability of Resistive GlassTesting was performed on Resistive Glass to characterize resistance uniformity, resistance stability both at room temperature and over temperature change, voltage breakdown and chemical durability.
Mass Spectrometer Detectors and Inlet TubesCustom Mass Spectrometer Detectors and Inlet Tubes for use in Portable Security and Forensic Applications
As analytical instruments become smaller and more portable, it is crucial to good analytical analysis to have compact, high-performing detectors that will operate in a variety of environmental conditions, most notably poor vacuum. This paper presents a wide range of available d...