AEO Certificate - Photonis France S.A.SAEO Certificate - Photonis France S.A.S
ISO 9001 - Photonis DefenseFile for ISO 9001-2015 Photonis Defense
Code of EthicsExosens is committed to operating in accordance with the highest standards of social responsibility and ethical behavior and to that extent, we engage in addressing major business ethics risks through this Code of Ethics.
This policy is our central policy document, outlining Exosens’ standards of business conduct and setting guidelines to choose the right behavior in any situation we m...
Code éthiqueEXOSENS s’engage à respecter les normes les plus élevées en matière de responsabilité sociale et de comportement éthique et, à cette fin, nous nous engageons à faire face aux principaux défis actuels en matière d’éthique dans les relations professionnelles et commerciales par le biais du présent Code éthique.
Ce code est notre document de référence. Elle décrit les normes de conduite p...
Innovative Technologies in Resistive Glass for Efficient Ion TransportPHOTONIS Resistive Glass specialty tubes and plates are designed to control the velocity of ions by generating a uniform electric field. PHOTONIS provides a number of products that use Resistive Glass to improve the efficiency of an analytical instrument.
Labor and human rights policyThe purpose of this policy is to express our desire to provide our employees with an environment in which they feel safe and protected
Environmental PolicyThis is Exosens Environmental Policy
Product policyThis is Exosens product policy
Sustainable Purchasing PolicyThis is Exosens Sustainable Purchasing Policy
Whistleblowing PolicyThis whistleblowing policy has been developed to underscore our commitment to transparent and accountable management. It is designed to empower employees and third parties, such as, among others, suppliers or clients, to report any malpractice, unethical conduct, or illegal practices within the workplace without fear of reprisal. The objective is to protect individuals from detriment or disc...
Procédure de lancement d'alerteCette procédure de lancement d’alerte a été élaborée pour souligner notre engagement en faveur d'une gestion transparente et responsable. Elle est conçue pour permettre aux employés et aux tiers, tels que, entre autres, les fournisseurs ou les clients, de signaler toute faute professionnelle, tout comportement contraire à l'éthique ou toute pratique illégale sur le lieu de travail, sans crai...
Single Photon Detection and ImagingOur comprehensive guide is a critical resource for anyone seeking to understand and leverage the power of cutting-edge photon detection technologies. With in-depth comparisons, detailed explanations of detection methods, and a focus on the advantages of vacuum tube-based photon detectors, this guide is your key to unlocking new insights and achieving superior results for your research.
Partners Code of ConductThis Partners Code of Conduct outlines the ethical, environmental, and business principles that Partners are expected to adhere when engaging in business activities with EXOSENS. By Partners, we mean customers suppliers, sub-contractors, distributors, agents, shareholders, or any other company with which any Exosens Group company contracts
Code de conduite des partenairesCe Code de conduite des partenaires décrit les principes éthiques, environnementaux et commerciaux auxquels les partenaires doivent adhérer lorsqu'ils s'engagent dans des activités commerciales avec EXOSENS.
How a MCP worksFor over thirty years, PHOTONIS (formerly Philips Photonics, Galileo and Burle) has consistently set the standard in electron multipliers and related products. Today, an extensive R&D program coupled with unsurpassed expertise in microchannel plate (MCP) technology continues to deliver a succession of product and process improvements that push aside previous technology limits...