Airborne Quantification of Methane LeaksSafety is a major concern for oil and gas companies as chemicals encountered in their installations can be toxic or presentSafety is a major concern for oil and gas companies as chemicals encountered in their installations can be toxic or presenta high explosion potential. A reliable gas identification and quantification imaging system represents an upgrade to thecurrent gas detection techno...
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Visualization and Flow Rates Quantification of Methane ReleasesGas leaks present obvious health, safety and environmental risks. In oil and gas companies for instance, constant monitoring is crucial to preserve on-site personnel security and to prevent damage to the installations. The need for a reliable and cost-efficient gas detection system is of prime importance especially when security-threatening situations like gas leaks and emissions occur. Prec...
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for the Detection, Identification, and Quantification of Industrial Stack Gas EmissionsThermal infrared hyperspectral imaging is well suited for the detection, identification, and quantification of industrial stack gas emissions. This application note describes a measurement campaign performed at the Port of Rotterdam with the Telops Hyper-Cam, a commercial high-performance, FTIR-based hyperspectral imaging instrument. Principles of gas detection, quantification, and identific...
Quantification of CO2 Passive Degassing at Sulphur Banks from Kilauea Volcano using thermal Infrared Multispectral ImagingVolcanic carbon dioxide (CO2) emission rates play an important role for assessing volcanic hazards and for constraining the role of magma degassing in the biogeochemical cycle of carbon. Quantification of CO2 emission rates from volcanoes remain challenging, mainly due to the difficulty of measuring volcanic CO2 against the high level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Thermal Infrared (TIR) imaging ...
Multispectral Infrared Imaging for In-Process Monitoring of Welding OperationsThermal infrared imaging technology is well suited to monitoring the spatially-varying temperature gradients induced in fabricated metal parts during high-temperature welding processes. This application note demonstrates how Telops multispectral thermal infrared cameras can be used to monitor important welding process characteristics like melt pool geometry and local heating and cooling gradients.
Absolute Temperature and Emissivity Calculation Using a Multispectral Infrared Camera and n-Color TES Image ProcessingOver the past few years, two-color pyrometry has proven to be a fast and reliable non-invasive method to accurately determine the temperature of materials by overcoming emissivity issues usually encountered by thermal infrared cameras. However, the need for multiple independent cameras makes this method expensive to implement. In this work, a single Telops MS M100k equipped with a fast-rotat...
High-Speed Infrared Imaging of Crack and Hot-Spot Formation in a Graphite-Fiber and Epoxy Composite Under StressThe enormous progress made in the three last decades in high-speed thermal imaging have given rise to a wide variety of applications, of which material testing is maybe one of the most prominent. Split-Hopkinson bar experiments can especially benefit from the development of high-speed and high-resolution thermal infrared imaging. When materials are subjected to mechanical stress, rapid chang...
High-Speed Infrared Imaging of Metal Parts Fabrication by Additive ManufacturingAdditive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is considered by many to be the biggest industrial revolution since the Internet. This method allows rapid fabrication of metal pieces with various compositions, shapes and sizes. However, the extremely high thermal gradients involved in this fabrication process can induce stress and deformation in the materials. In an effort to better under...
Volcanic Eruption Observations from an Elevated Point of Stromboli Using Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral ImagingThe Stromboli volcano is well known for its periodic eruptions of small magnitude containing various proportions of ash, lava and gases. Imaging was carried out at a relatively high spectral and spatial resolution before and during eruptions from the North-East crater. Both sulfur dioxide (SO2) and silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) could be successfully identified within the volcano’s plume from ...
High-Speed Infrared Imaging of a Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar ExperimentIn order to illustrate this concept, high-speed infrared imaging was carried out at 13 000 frames per second during a split-Hopkinson pressure bar experiment on a polymer sample at the Structural Impact Laboratory (SIMLab) of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The results illustrate how high-speed infrared imaging can provide detailed information about the thermal properties...
Direct Imaging of Shale Gas Leaks Using Passive Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral ImagingThere are many types of natural gas fields including shale formations that are common especially in the St-Lawrence Valley (Canada). Since methane (CH4), the major component of shale gas, is odorless, colorless and highly flammable, in addition to being a greenhouse gas, methane emanations and/or leaks are important to consider for both safety and environmental reasons.
Telops recently...
Multispectral Imaging of Flying Targets: A New Method for Tracker IntegrationImaging flying objects requires mounting cameras on tracking mounts or motorized pan and tilts. Telops Multispectral cameras have not been thoroughly tested for such dynamic applications. This application note summarizes tests performed to confirm if the filter wheel of multispectral cameras could withstand angular accelerations produced by tracking mounts.
Multispectral Imaging of CO2-free Hydrogen Combustion for Industrial Annealing Processes and Comparison to Natural GasThe drive to transition towards greener methods for energy production and industrial processes is stronger every year. Typical combustion reactions create well known gas products (CO2, H2O, CO, etc…) and governments as well as the industry are pushing to limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted every day. A great example of this effort is the research accomplished at the Instituto de Tec...
Thermal analysis of Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect in AlMg alloysThe Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect is a dynamic instability observed in certain alloys under plastic deformation, particularly at intermediate temperatures and strain rates. It manifests within multiple alloys as serrated yielding on stress-strain curves, attributed to the interaction between mobile dislocations and diffusing solute atoms. This phenomenon is a result of dynamic strain ag...
ASSIST II Temperature, Water Vapor, and Greenhouse Gas Retrieval AlgorithmThis is a brief overview of the methodology for retrieving temperature, water vapor and the greenhouse gases and aerosol from the downwelling infrared radiance spectrum measured by ASSIST. The expected accuracy of the retrievals is presented.