Optimizing Double-TunedTP-162 Application Guide Optimizing Double-Tuned Output Circuits For Tetrode Power Amplifiers Using the Y1400/9017 1kW UHF Cavity Amplifier as the Demo Circuit
Development of Micro Pore Optics for X-Ray Applications30/11/2023
High-Speed Infrared Imaging for Battery Research Applications2023- Telops high-speed infrared cameras are well-suited for capturing insightful data from battery research and development processes and assisting in furthering our understanding battery failure events. This is because Telops broadband and multispectral cameras provide the high frame rates and low noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) necessary to capture the rapid, dynamic, and p...
Complete In-Process Monitoring of Cold Spray with High-Speed Multispectral Infrared ImagingCold spray technology has attracted considerable attention in recent years as it has fully evolved from a conceptual theory to a practical application in industry. There are still many challenges with optimizing cold spray methodologies, but high-speed infrared imaging cameras offer rich information which is valuable to this process. Telops worked with the Canadian National Research Center (...
Characterization of Small - Arms Muzzle Flash Using High - Speed Thermal Infrared ImagingMuzzle flash analysis refers to the collection and exploitation of signatures generated by the expulsion of combustion gases from the muzzle produced during the discharge of a firearm. Muzzle flash characteristics are highly dependent upon attributes of both the firearm and ammunition including firearm make and model, barrel length, ammunition caliber and grain. Characterization of small arm...
Synchronous Full-Field Strain and Temperature MeasurementHigh temperature is a critical concern for most testing in the automotive, aerospace, and energy industries. Thermal expansion is an ever-present challenge, often making it difficult to distinguish strains caused from mechanical load from those originating solely due to material temperature change. Moreover, material deformation and its surface temperature change are strongly coupled because...
Remote Estimation of Sulfur Content in Fuel from SO2 Quantification from Ship Exhaust PlumeSulfur oxide (SOx) from seagoing ships contribute to local air pollution in cities and coastal areas around the world. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in particular, are a precursor to acid rain and atmospheric particulates leading to ocean acidification which can contribute to negative human health outcomes. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) def...
Airborne Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineral Mapping and Urban Heat Island CharacterizationMinerals such as quartz, silicates, aluminosilicates (feldspar), magnesium silicates (serpentine) and olivines are among the most commonly encountered in the environment. Airborne mineral mapping of these minerals using conventional visible-near infrared (VNIR, 0.4-1.4 μm) and shortwave infrared (SWIR, 1.4-3 μm) sensors can be very challenging since the Si-O bounds are featureless or exhibit...
Space Probe Fluid DynamicsInfrared camera mounted on a fast trajectory tracker system was used to capture infrared imagery of a model space probe travelling at supersonic velocities. In addition to the laminar-to-turbulent transition boundary, the infrared camera was able to detect shock waves and present a time dependent view of the flow field. Readily available infrared technology has the capability to provide deta...
Using High-Speed Infrared Cameras to Study Fire SpreadScientists have developed several theoretical models to better understand and predict various aspects of wildfire behaviour. However, the lack of experimental data from real wildfire renders the validation of the models difficult and thus limits their applicability. More validation data would enable a better characterization of the valid boundaries within which the models can be applied. The...
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging of Methane Landfill EmissionsMethane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are landfill gases (LFG) originating from the decomposition of organic material as encountered in landfill areas. Both gases are considered greenhouse gases due to their high propensity for absorbing and emitting infrared radiation. For this reason, landfill installations are often equipped with wells and pumping systems to collect these LFGs. Depending...
Using High-Speed Infrared Cameras for Fire Turbulence MeasurementsWildfire spreads by pre-heating unburnt fuels (vegetation) using a combination of radiative and convective heating processes. In rapidly spreading grass or stubble wheat fuels, turbulent wind flow aids to intermittently convect the heat produced by combustion onto the unburnt fuels leading to its ignition and fire spread. In a way, the fire is sustaining its motion, but the role of atmospher...
Measurement of Supersonic Micron Size Cold Spray ParticlesThe extraction of both velocity and temperature of particles during the cold spray (CS) process using a high-speed, high-definition infrared (IR) camera was demonstrated by Nastic, A. & Jodoin, B.1. Following the success of this project, Telops worked with the University of Ottawa to address the challenges of measuring the speeds and temperatures of smaller cold spray particles (as small...
Measurement of Gas Temperature and Concentration Profiles Resulting from Detonation of TNT Using High Speed Hyperspectral CameraThe measurement of physical properties of expanding gases in the infrared region following a high-explosive detonation requires cameras having both high framerate and fine spectral resolution. Moreover, an accurate gas model is required to adequately explain and quantify the rapidly-evolving events based on properly-interpreted gas emissivity signatures. To achieve this goal, a Telops MW Fas...
Analysis of Ballistic Impacts on Composite Materials by Infrared Active ThermographyIn this study, we investigated the assessment of the damaged area on composites ballistic plates subjected to high velocity impact. The active pulsed thermography technique was used for performing post-mortem analysis of the impacted specimens. Quantitative analysis of the damaged areas shows consistent results with the size of the projectile suggesting high precision of the quantification d...