Custom MCPs for Analytical InstrumentsAll Photonis LongLifeTM MCPs are specially designed to provide longer lifetime with superior detection capability with pore sizes as small as 2μm. All Photonis MCPs can be ordered with an exclusive Extended Dynamic Range option that increases detection up to ten times versus traditional MCPs.
Design and Construction of a Benchtop High Resolution Atmospheric Pressure Resistive Glass Drift Tube Ion Mobility SpectrometerResistive Glass can be used to enhance ion throughput. This paper discusses the construction and test of an ion mobility spectrometer using Resistive Glass drift tubes and reaction tubes, and a unique Bradbury-Nielsen ion gate built using photo-etching technology. In this paper a DART ionization source was used for testing.
Development of a 2-inch square Position-sensing PMT for use in Medical ImagingThis paper discusses the design and manufacture of a square photomultiplier tube (PMT) for use in an MCP-PMT hybrid detector for medical imaging applications. The unique square shape allows multiple units to be tiled together to form a larger image.
Development of Miniature Electron Multipliers for Use in Portable Mass SpectrometersTechnology advancements have allowed ion detectors to operate in poor vacuum conditions while still providing high gain, low noise, and long life. These detectors require little power and space, enabling high quality analysis in a truly portable instrument
Development of Novel Monolithic Resistive Glass Tubes wit Multi-Stage Capability for Use as a Reflectrons, Ion Guides and Collision CellsA new technology has been developed which enables single piece structures made of Resistive Glass to produce multiple linear stages. This advancement enables low cost, easy-to-clean single piece reflectrons, collision cells or ion guides to be produced.
Background Radiance Estimation for Gas Plume Quantification for Airborne Hyperspectral Thermal ImagingHyperspectral imaging in the long-wave infrared (LWIR) is a mean that is proving its worth in the characterization of gaseous effluent. Indeed the spectral and spatial resolution of acquisition instruments is steadily decreasing, making the gases characterization increasingly easy in the LWIR domain. The majority of literature algorithms exploit the plume contribution to the radiance corresp...
Detection of Gaseous Plumes in Airborne Hyperspectral ImageryThe thermal hyperspectral sensor Hyper-Cam was mounted on a light aircraft and measured continuous releases of several atmospheric tracers from a height of 2 km. A unique detection algorithm that eliminates the need for clear background estimation was operated over the acquired data with excellent detection results. The data-cubes were acquired in a “target mode”, which is a unique method of...
Active Thermography for Panel Paintings Inspection: A Comparative Study of Midwave and Long-Wave Infrared Spectral AnalysisActive thermography was used as a multispectral non-destructive approach for characterisation of multi-layered panel paintings and analysis of their defects caused by aging and environmental effects. Two oil compositions painted on canvas, provided by C2RMF in the Louvre museum (Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France) were under inspection. Active Thermography was demons...
Ground-Based Remote Sensing of CH4 and N2O Fluxes from a Wastewater Treatment Plant and Nearby Biogas Production with Discoveries of Unexpected SourcesM. Gålfalk, S.N. Påledal, R. Sehlén, D. Bastviken.
This study is an attempt to assess CH4 and N2O emissions from all the treatment steps of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Sweden, serving 145 000 persons, and an adjacent biogas production facility. We have used novel mid-IR ground-based remote sensing with a hyperspectral camera to visualize and quantify the emissions on 21 days...
Thermomechanical Behavior of Steels in Tension Studied with Synchronized Full-Field Deformation and Temperature MeasurementsG.C. Soares, N.I. Vázquez-Fernández, M. Hokka
Despite tensile testing being commonly used for investigating the mechanical behavior of materials, the occurrence of heterogeneous strain and increasing temperature at high strain rates make the experiment much more complex. This work presents a method integrating synchronous full-field stereo Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Infrared T...
Status and Developments in Geological Remote SensingR.D. Hewson et al.
Recent improvements and availability of optical to infrared to thermal satellite and airborne sensors opens up the opportunity for advancing surface mineralogy and geological mapping. Such mapping may include the identification of alteration zones for exploration activities or monitoring ore quality and inventory within open cuts. Remote sensing technology is also on...
Using Longwave Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for a Quantitative Atmospheric Tracer Monitoring in Outdoor EnvironmentsEitan Hirsch, Eyal Agassi, Alon Manor.
Quantitative real-time retrieval of concentration-lengths (CL) through gaseous plumes is an important tool for environmental monitoring, enabling remote monitoring of emissions from industrial facilities and risk assessment
in scenarios of toxic gas releases. The adoption of LWIR (Long Wave Infra-Red) hyperspectral imaging as a leading techniqu...
Rate dependency and ply thickness influence on transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminatesF. Coussa, J. Berthe, M. Ragonet.
In this study, the rate dependency of transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminates is investigated for several 90° plies thicknesses. The crack detection methodology is based on a recently proposed protocol relying on the use of infrared thermography. A new analysis methodology is proposed to make it more robust and to directly link the spatial...
New Zealand field-scale fire experiments to test convective heat transfer in wildland firesWildfire physics has traditionally been studied through intensive modelling that requires numerous assumptions of combustion and heat transfer (Sullivan 2009) adapted from established structure-fire engineering relations. Renewed emphasis in experimental research has caused rethinking of some of the most basic concepts in wildland fuel particle ignition and flame spread. New findings from la...
Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mapping of a Mine FaceRemote sensing systems are largely used in geology for regional mapping of mineralogy and lithology mainly from airborne or spaceborne platforms. Earth observers such as Landsat, ASTER or SPOT are equipped with multispectral sensors, but suffer from relatively poor spectral resolution. By comparison, the existing airborne and spaceborne hyperspectral systems are capable of acquiring imagery ...